The fairest child, who has entered life this year and become the sunbeam of a family, is not, as his mother perhaps fondly calls him, a little "angel" or a little "innocent," but a little "sinner." Alas! As that infant boy or girl lies smiling and crowing in its cradle, that little creature carries in its heart the seeds of every kind of wickedness! Only watch it carefully, as it grows in stature and its mind develops, and you will soon detect in it an incessant tendency to that which is bad, and a backwardness to that which is good. You will see in it the buds and germs of deceit, evil temper, selfishness, self–will, obstinacy, greediness, envy, jealousy, passion, which, if indulged and let alone, will shoot up with painful rapidity. Who taught the child these things? Where did he learn them? The Bible alone can answer these questions! Of all the foolish things that parents say about their children there is none worse than the common saying: "My son has a good heart at the bottom. He is not what he ought to be, but he has fallen into bad hands. Public schools are bad places. The tutors neglect the boys. Yet he has a good heart at the bottom." The truth, unhappily, is diametrically the other way. The first cause of all sin lies in the natural corruption of the boy’s own heart, and not in public schools.
Taken from the book of 'Holiness', chapter 'Sin'.
Does 'sin' ever being considered in the learning culture of educational institution? or education is simply 'bringing out the best' of one's potential? Our present learning instution lives in a denial of the story of the Fall. When sin is not considered, teachers always tend to be puzzled as why the reality of teaching is so much different from the ideal he/she had. Even worse than that, the danger lurking in a not preconceived defect will always in the end violate what is being taught academically. To simply develop one's mental capacity without considering one's sinful nature is an inadequate education. This error has led to the fall of modern rationalism. However, how has the education world changed in its pedagogical methodology? Not very much, sadly. Rather, it may have become one of the modernisation monster that robs one's significants individuality in trade of a profit minded end. Such is the sad fact of our time. Will there be changes? Only when sin is considered. Only when confession is made. Only when it is rightly dealt in life.
1 comment:
Thanks for writing this post =)
Have been very discouraged of being a teacher lately. Very tired and I often think of giving up as I realize that I have not been a teacher as what God wants me to be.
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