Saturday, September 20, 2008

Cathedral of Messiah

The new church of GRII -pusat was dedicated to the Lord on 20th September 2008.  It was named Cathedral of Messiah.
see link for the image:

I was struck by the sharing of Rev. Stephen Tong when he said, earlier in the morning he asked the Lord, whether He is willing to use this building for His work. It was almost unimagineable for me to think that after all these hardworks, time, money, efforts poured in by Rev. Tong himself and all the church members in order to build this church and in the end the church would not be pleasing to God. 

His sharing correcting my understanding of a ministry or service before the Lord. It is not us to decide whether what we do is good or bad. God always have the final judgment. We are meant to give our very best to the Lord. But our very best may not be good enough for Him. This would have a propelling effect in our doing before God. If we think we've done our best and cannot do any better, we will be stuck in that stage and difficult to have a good progress later on. But if we continually strive our best to the very last of our breath, we know we could only done so little in a vast and might work of God.

I remembered, the sharing from the life of Joshua. Towards the end of his life, he was not told to remember the past glory of his achievements but rather to look at the great promised land which are yet to be conquered by the Israelites. In Jakarta there are 1.2 million Christians. To have a church with a capacity of 6500 is truly considerably small. Thanks to God for the sharing of Rev. Tong that helps to put things in perspective.

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