Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Alpha

This blog is started with fear and trembling, aware of the writer's inadequacy, yet compelled to minister in the capacity and talent given, not to boast of this self but rather to be a blessing to those who may read the writings in this blog. Three categories of life comes into the blogger's understanding of life: 
  1. The Natural aspect 
  2. The Cultural aspect 
  3. The Theological aspect 
None of this aspect stand on its own, each is distinct and yet influencing the others. Hence, the blogger seeks to explore further and contribute for a richer development, not merely intellectual but of life in its fullness whose origin and fulfillment came from God who implanted the seed in man's heart. 

Blessed be to God, The Creator, Redemeer and Fulfiller of life.

Audy Santoso

1 comment:

From grace to grace said...

Cia you ya...moga moga blog ini bisa jadi berkat bagi banyak orang yah...