The demand for freedom, total autonomy of oneself would result in, ironically, an isolation of oneself. If one truly seeks after freedom and found it, he will find himself to be very lonely. This is the sickness of modern man. Modern man seeks everything to be judged by his mind, by his authority, by his standard, by his will. If all be granted, he will enjoy all his wishes to the expense of being alone.
Seldom people understand this. Many finds life is too complicated, so many rules, laws that prohibit himself/herself to express his own way of life. One would seeks freedom apart from his/her parents guidance/cage.
The test of maturity is the test of freedom. To be matured involves making many important decisions by your own freedom. If the dependency is no longer needed and independency what we sought after, freedom would be very cruel beast that tore apart the master.
God in his will is free. But his freedom is limited in relating towards one another. God the Father loves God the Son freely, but not without an relation. He who frees the most is who loves the most. Love is a bind in an healthy relationship, in which freedom born in the commitment.
Seek to love God and you'll be truly free. Seek freedom and you'll find isolation.
Seek further to be free from relating to others, the more others will be hell to you. (quote Sartre: Hell is other people). But the more real of hell would be when your existence truly alone with yourself and there is no other voice, no communication, no word, no other life, just silence....
That's the value of freedom.
Thanks be to God for the fellowship with the Son through the Holy Spirit.
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