Both need to have their minds faster than their action. Their thinking have to be ahead of them. For an F1 driver is more towards an existential momentarily response of quickness. But to a chess player, his/her mind should be more developed a few steps ahead of his board condition.
a chess player can always adopt and then abandon a strategy to move ahead to achieve his goal, whereas an F1 driver has only one way to reach his goal, that is to be the fastest.
One can easily identified the christian's life as an F1 driver, Paul illustrate this with an athlete who run to get a crown. A runner's lost of concentration may cost him the glory (symbolized by crown or medal in modern olympic). But an F1 driver's lost of concentration may cost him his life.
What about a chess player? the battle of the mind poured in the actions of little figurines on board. How does a christian life viewed from the game of the board?
My interpretation is this: man is not the chess player; God is. we are the little figurines on board.
The battle is not against the other figurines (or flesh and blood) but against another chess player, against the powers, the world forces of this darkness, the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. - It's truly amazing of Paul's insight on the spiritual war.
What is the duty of the figurines? We are to be fully submitted to our master. The goal is to have the victory, to have all the knees bow down and every tounge confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. In such a purpose, what if God as the chess player ordered us to fight in the frontline and as part of His strategy decided to sacrifice us? Of course, we are granted a freedom. But if our freedom is not submitted to God, then, who is our real master? There's no problem between a chess player and his unliving soldiers on top of a board. He has the full control.
But it's totally a different situation in a real life world. God has the full control; no doubt about it. But without our obedience, He can easily removed us and raise another soldier to accomplish His mission.
Oh, Christian soldier, let's live up to our God. Live up to Him who not only created us, but also died for us and have lived for us that we no longer lived for us but truly for Him only. Be faithful until death.
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